Our library of transition
solutions is growing

‘Transition solutions‘ make a substantial contribution to sector decarbonization, improving natural ecosystems, or building climate resilience

Feed Additives

Produces a feed additive named Lome that prevents CO2 and H2 from combining the rumen of cows to reduce enteric methane emissions by around 90%. Methane is 82x more potent than than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. The planet’s 1 billion cows together produce 4% of global emissions.


Regenerative Agriculture

Rolling Meadows Farm is a 12,300 acre (4,977 hectare) property in Nebraska. Through an alfalfa based crop rotation system on this previously conventionally managed farm, an estimated 4.7 metrics tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per hectare a year will be removed from the atmosphere by turning the soil into a carbon sink.


Concrete Additives

CRDC’s RESIN8™ is a game-changer for green construction. This lightweight building material uses recycled plastics (resins 1-7) without compromising strength. Concrete made with RESIN8 meets fire safety standards and improves on insulation and weight. It produces a negative carbon footprint, reducing CO2 emissions by 44kgs per metric ton of concrete.

‘Transition solutions‘ make a substantial contribution to sector decarbonization, improving natural ecosystems, or building climate resilience

Feed Additives

Produces a feed additive named Lome that prevents CO2 and H2 from combining the rumen of cows to reduce enteric methane emissions by around 90%. Methane is 82x more potent than than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. The planet’s 1 billion cows together produce 4% of global emissions.


Regenerative Agriculture

Rolling Meadows Farm is a 12,300 acre (4,977 hectare) property in Nebraska. Through an alfalfa based crop rotation system on this previously conventionally managed farm, an estimated 4.7 metrics tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per hectare a year will be removed from the atmosphere by turning the soil into a carbon sink.


Concrete Additives

CRDC’s RESIN8™ is a game-changer for green construction. This lightweight building material uses recycled plastics (resins 1-7) without compromising strength. Concrete made with RESIN8 meets fire safety standards and improves on insulation and weight. It produces a negative carbon footprint, reducing CO2 emissions by 44kgs per metric ton of concrete.


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together for a 1.5-degree-aligned, nature-positive, resilient world. No commitment is required - registration helps us follow up with you in a tailored way.